
Local Custom-Made Bicycle

‘Mountain Bike’; ‘Road Bike’ and BMX are commonly seen and heard in the country. But there are also bicycles produced with a motorcycle-like design. What is interesting, is that the bicycle is produced by local citizens.


With wishes and dreams, it will surely come true, these are the enthusiastic words of a local custom-made bicycle creator when asked about the challenges he faced. An interest in collecting custom-made bicycles began to arise when his son started to venture into cycling. Wanting to be different, Awang Junaidi bin Haji Muhammad Arshad produced custom-made bicycle inspired by motorcycle designs from abroad.


Like any entrepreneur, facing challenges is inevitable. But perseverance and persistence to produce something unique, Awang Junaidi helped by his son was able to produce four quality custom-made bicycles.


Satisfaction can be felt by these father and son when they can combine energy and creativity in producing something they are interested in. The determination and persistence given turned out to be successful so that it is able to generate income if it is done consistently.



Source: Radio Television Brunei