
Minister of Transport prepares to discuss with China reducing obstacles at checkpoints in order to speed up export of Thai fruits.

Chanthaburi, The Minister of Commerce is preparing to discuss with China in hopes of reducing trade barriers along Chinese checkpoints. Hopefully Thai fruit products can reach the Chinese market more quickly. Advise durian farmers to maintain the quality of durian for better export. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, said after visiting the durian harvesting area in Chanthaburi province in the upcoming fruit season to create income for farmers and fruit orchards, after visiting the durian packing factory. At Yoko Hua Thong International (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Thai Mongkut Group Co., Ltd., Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province, during this period they buy Monthong durian at a price as high as 260 baht/kg because it is the beginning of the expensive season. By cutting durian during this period, you must ask permission from the district agriculture department before cutting. and check the percentage of flour from the Department of Agriculture Do not let there be young durians. Make quality durian For Chanthaburi Province, it is considered ready. There is a sufficient amount of production. which must be planned to have an inspection to enhance his quality Chanthaburi can produce approximately 500,000 tons of durian per year, and during peak production periods, legal labor from outside areas may be required. If there is a quality certification label, export will be faster. which Chinese people eat durian both fresh and the end of April He and the deputy minister will go to the checkpoint and talk with the Chinese ambassador. To make trade more flexible and privatized If we see anything that is a restriction, we will negotiate for you. Now I have given the provincial commerce department to see if there will be any negotiations. However, information from the Ministry of Commerce indicates that The Eastern durian harvest date for 2024 has been set, divided into button varieties, harvest date 15 April 2024, standard value 27%. Chanee variety, harvest date 5 May 2024, standard value 30%. Puangmanee variety, harvest date 5 May 2024, standard value 30%. Monthong variety. Harvest date 20 May 2024, standard value 32% (if the percentage of dry pulp weight of durian is lower than this, it is considered inferior quality durian. (young durian)) and if farmers/hand cut Or establishments (Long) that sell durian do not comply with the announcement and if inferior quality durian is found (young durian) both in farmers' gardens Durian truck And within the packing house (Long), Chanthaburi Province will use administrative measures and legal measures to further punish offenders. Source: Thai News Agency