
“Thammanat-Chaiya” surveys damage from fire Emphasize that it should not be linked to political issues.

Bangkok, Minister Thammanat and Deputy Minister Chaiya joined in surveying the damage in the fire area. During the renovation of Deputy Minister Chaiya's work area, the area of ??the Royal Irrigation Department will be used for temporary work. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that the fire incident should not be linked to political issues. Miss Ayarin Panrit, spokesperson of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. (Political Department) mentioned the case of the fire at the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives that today Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, along with Mr. Chaiya Phromma, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Inspect the area where the fire occurred. With permission from the Forensic Evidence Division to go collect things and survey the damage As well as looking at damaged areas to plan for improvement. After the Forensics Division had completed the legal procedures, initially it was found that the most severe dam age was in the kitchen area. and predicted that It must have been the starting point of the fire. Because there are many electrical appliances in this area. There were also traces of combustion that had occurred. It is assumed that the fire from the kitchen caused the flames to spread to the curtains and wallpaper. which is a good fuel This caused the flames to intensify and cause heavy damage. Captain Thammanat ordered officials to survey the area immediately to survey the damage. and plan to renovate the entire zone to repair the entire structure All new floors and ceilings for safety. and to use the area of ??the Royal Irrigation Department as a temporary workplace for Mr. Chaiya while waiting for the area to be renovated. As for the items inside Mr. Chaiya's office, there was no damage at all. Everything is complete as usual. There was only a soggy, wet floor. This is because officials used water to extinguish the fire at the time of the incident. So it became a flood that was stuck in the room. Today, Mr. Chaiya brought out important items and work documents to continue performing his duties in a temporary work area at the Royal Irrigation Department, which did not hinder the performance of duties. Still continuing to work as usual. As for the case of progressive party MPs Came out to demand inspection of CCTV cameras It is at the discretion of the forensics officer that all documents have been collected. which everything is in accordance with the legal process According to the evidence at the scene Emphasize that political issues should not be involved. to cause confusion In making the case report of the working official You should not interfere or interfere with the work of officials. or creating any type of pressure with those working according to the law. Forensic evidence officers A piece of electrical wire was recovered at the scene, which is believed to be It is probably the cause of this fire. Which must continue to wait for the conclusion of the Forensics Division. Source: Thai News Agency