
The MPs have come a long way, confirming that they really are being carried away.

Bangkok, "Kunakorn", the Progressive MP for Nonthaburi, confirms that he really was carried away. After going to observe and capture a Nonthaburi casino Explained that the Provincial Permanent Secretary came to apologize and was not impressed and was ready to ask questions about such a big casino. How can the province not know? All 8 Kao Klai Party MPs from Nonburi Province joined in giving a statement on the case of the Department of Provincial Administration's Special Operations Team leading forces to raid and seize a large gambling den. In Phra Pin 3 Village, Bang Yai District, Nonthaburi Province, more than 300 gamblers were arrested with more than 320 million baht in circulation last night. Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, also inspected the scene. Mr. Kunakorn Mannateerai, MP for the Progressive Party, Nonthaburi Province, District 6 and the Legal Affairs Committee. Justice and Human Rights revealed that they had gone to observe the incident. and identified hims elf as an MP after his arrest Government officials and police at Bang Yai Police Station agreed that all seized items would be moved to Nonthaburi Community Hall. A friend recorded the arrest. 'I followed as an MP and the Law Committee. Found the suspects being transported gradually to the community hall. During that time, a government official invited me to come up and observe. But after a while, the Permanent Secretary of Nonthaburi Province invited me to leave the area. Giving the reason that I'm afraid there will be chaos. From observation it was found that the community hall was spacious enough. However, after the incident the Permanent Secretary of Nonthaburi Province came to apologize. along with noting that the casino is this big How could the province leave it there without knowing?' Mr. Kunakorn said. Mr. Kunakorn said that he was not impressed by anything, but as a Nonthaburi MP, he thought that the integration of government work Observations should be made in harmony with each other. There's no need to carry wings. The provincial secretary held his right arm. The deputy's subordinate grabbed his left arm and tried to invite him down from the community hall. It is considered that no citizen will allow government officials to act like this, even the accused person. Mr. Nont Phaisalimcharoenkit The Progressive Party MP from Nonthaburi Province said that the incident occurred in the sight of the people and journalists who were present at the event, so he asked the Minister of Interior and those involved whether this action was appropriate or not. Personally, I consider it inappropriate and inappropriate. Therefore, we want to hear an apology from the provincial governor level down. 'As for the legal case in his capacity as a committee member for the prevention and suppression of money laundering and drugs. Will investigate the matter that the gambling den has circulating money of more than 320 million baht, which officials said that they sent the matter The Anti-Corruption Commission seized 3 accounts and sent officials to contact them to find out if the 3 accounts really existed or not. Who owns it? And exactly how much money is in the frozen account? Along with thanking Mr. Anutin who have gone in to arrest gambling dens that have had enough problems,' Mr. Non said. Source: Thai News Agency