
The young conscripted soldier who killed his girlfriend was arrested and a crime scene was conducted.

Bangkok, Sam Sen Police Station officers took a young conscripted soldier who killed his girlfriend, a housekeeper at the parliament, to reenact the crime scene after he stabbed his girlfriend and left her rotten body in an apartment. This morning, Sam Sen Police Station officers traveled to pick up Private Sunai, a conscript and suspect in the case of stabbing his girlfriend to death, from Dusit Police Station, which had been holding him since last night to identify the crime scene at an apartment behind Wat Pracharabuetham, before taking him for questioning at the temporary office of Sam Sen Police Station. While being taken to the car, reporters tried to ask Private Sunai about various facts, including his motives and whether he felt remorseful and wanted to apologize to the family of the deceased. It turned out that Private Sunai did not answer any questions, but just walked quietly, avoiding eye contact and not looking at anyone before being taken to the car. Later, the police officers took Private Sun ai to the scene of the crime at the apartment to reenact the confession and point out the crime scene, starting from the front of the apartment building, which is where the suspect walked out after committing the crime, and pointing out the locations along the walkway to the room by the stairs on the second floor of the apartment, which is the room where the crime was committed. During the reenactment, reporters tried to ask the suspect more questions about what he was thinking or what his motive was at the time of the incident, including whether the deceased groaned while being stabbed. The suspect did not answer any questions. While he was being taken into the prisoner's vehicle, locals in the area shouted and cursed at the suspect with vulgar and angry words, but there was no violent confrontation. He was then taken for questioning at Sam Sen Police Station. Source: Thai News Agency