
Non-Halal Products

Product owners, managers, entrepreneurs, vendors, suppliers and importers in the country are advised to always be aware and be more sensitive of imported products sold to the public by ensuring that halal products are not mixed with the non-halal ones. This is following the result of an inspection made by the Syariah Affairs Department through the Halal Food Control Division on several food and drink products which contain non-halal ingredients sold at a number of supermarkets. The finding is from complaints made by the public.


The three products are Blueberry Chilli Blushing Blueberries White Wine Vinegar, Balsamic and Roasted Garlic Vinaigrette Praise Wine Vinegar as well as Coklat Pralines Excelcium Tradition Amaretto. In looking after the well-being of the country’s society, premise owners are instructed to immediately remove and separate the products to the Non-Halal Section which is not exposed to public sales. All importers, supermarkets and shops in the country are also advised to carry out the same action.


Any complaints or information on the sales of non-halal products in an open manner at business premises, contact the Syariah Affairs Department through the Halal Food Control Division at 716 6222 or any Halal Food Control Division offices in each district.



Source: Radio Television Brunei